
About Us

Welcome to Advance Excel Solution
We know that skills in Excel, Word and Outlook give you more job opportunities. And having advanced skills makes you indispensible.
That's why we make it easy to get your skills up to date fast.

Initially we worked with many different businesses and on a daily basis we'd get asked how to do things in Excel, Word and Outlook that for us were 'must know' skills. It was an eye opener.
We soon realised that a lot of people were lacking some of the basic skills they required to do their job effectively and efficiently.
It's no surprise to us, as we know classroom based training is expensive and it's a major inconvenience for most businesses to lose an employee for a day of training.
We enjoy sharing what we know and we’d like to help you too, because once you get to grips with a few of the basics you’re going to take off. You’re going to see how much easier it is, how much more time you have and how much less stress you have.
Our Microsoft Office training is not only affordable, almost 1/3 of it is free. The free training is the minimum we think you should know, and if you like what you get for free there's a paid Premium membership option available that will fast track your training so you can get your skills up to date quickly.
We don't profess to know everything, so if you have a better/alternative way to do something please share it in the comments for everyone to benefit.

How You Can Support Us

The best way you can support us is by spreading the word.
Please share our site with your friends on Facebook and Social Networking Sites. We'll love you forever for it 🙂
Murtuza Nasir

For More Detail Contact us on:

+92334-3680797 / +923168669207

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